Immigrant Rights

A Day Without Immigrants Photo 1

“We the People are All Immigrants.”

“Immigrants Make America Great.”

“No More Separation of Families.”

SAF Rally, courtesy of Student Action with Farmworkers

Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF) is a Durham-based non-profit organization committed to fostering collaboration and understanding between students and farmworkers in order to promote justice in agricultural systems and equitable, safe, and dignified working conditions for farmworkers.

Beautiful sign marks the site of the Latino Community Credit Union. Photo by Liz Hannah

(text in English below)

Usando un banco por primera vez y tratando de comprender las finanzas en una economía compleja pueden ser un reto para cualquiera persona. Sin embargo, para los últimos inmigrantes Latinos que no pueden hablar inglés, a menudo es insuperable. En la década de mil novecientos noventa, Latinos comenzaron a emigrar a…

Front Door - Church World Service. Photo by Katie Vo

"Church World Service Exists because they recognize that human rights are violated in countries where these people are fleeing from, so I would say human rights activism is a core value of Church World Service." Since 1946, this refugee resettlement organization has been working earnestly in partnership with community partners and volunteers to…